Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm just sayin...

I'm bothered by something and because I'm not really seeking advice, but I need to talk about it, I decided to blog. This has become my journal, so it seems appropriate.

In the interest of keeping private affairs private I will not give huge detail here, but the gist of the back story is that my mom and I have some issues that we've not really worked out and they sort of came to a head at Christmas. I then did what my therapist suggested and wrote my mom a letter, one that was meant for sending, and was sent. I do know she got the letter, but beyond that I have no idea.

So, I struggled for a long time about how or if I should acknowledge my mom on Mother's Day. What would be the best thing? Do I let this holiday pass pretending nothing is wrong and send the obligatory gift and mushy card? Or do I not send anything at all? I took the time to talk with my girlfriends and between them and my personal prayer life I chose to send my mom a card.

It wasn't a gushy, thanks for always being there, gosh I love you so much card. But rather an I'm praying for you, and I hope that this was a good day for you kind of card. Honestly I din't expect anything back from her, not a card or a call or anything, so when I opened my email Sunday afternoon and found a very short email from my mom.

I really don't know how I feel about it and I don't want to know how I should feel about it, but honestly I'm bothered by it. Why? I have no idea, but there it is.

Ok so there I said my peace. Thanks for listening.

What I learned today: I palm mute my G and B strings when I strum a G/F# I have to stop doing that. :)

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