Sunday, April 18, 2010

What a Brain Hiccup Looks Like.

I know I told you at the beginning that I would not regale you with my many adventures in Azeroth, but somethings must be shared regardless of their venue.

So in World of Warcraft they send you on quests where you have to collect, kill or explore stuff. One such quest requires killing this bothersome pig. Ok, I know that right after I kill this guy, he's going to come back so some other poor schmuck can kill him too. But my brain sort of hiccuped on this information.

I was all "Woo I killed the pig and didn't die or half die in the process." I turned in my quest and galloped off on my giant tiger that serves as my horse, and there he was. My brain went "nrrrrr, must kill pig!" I have no idea why but I pushed my little buttons and cast my little spells at him and he died and I was all "Woo hoo! I did it." Off I go to work on another quest. I finish gathering all the pieces to that one and head back to town and there is the pig again.

Again my brain went "what!?! He lived!?! Nrrrrr, must kill pig." And once more I pushed my little buttons and cast my little spells and Mr. Piggy died. "Woo! I got him this time!"

It was at this point I realized what I had done and that it was 5:30 and I needed to make dinner. As I was pulling the stuff from the pantry, I wondered what it was about that pig that my brain couldn't wrap around. Honestly I still don't know.

I called B into the kitchen and had her do the dreaded job of opening the cans of vegetables for the soup I was making while I boned the rotisserie chicken. As I'm chopping up the cooked chicken, I realized that this is my favorite part of being Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

I love chopping, dicing, slicing, it is a great sort of physical outlet to the crap stored up in my brain. I let it out on the poor unsuspecting bits of vegetable, fruit, or meat upon my cutting board. Disturbing? Yes, a bit. True for most people? I'm pretty sure.

Yeah, so that was a tiny look into the odd side of my brain. Sorry, but really it needed to be said.

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