Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stranger Danger

What does that really mean? I tell my kids often not to talk to strangers, don't tell them your name, don't engage in conversation, and never ever ever go anywhere with anyone you don't know. But then I turn around and talk to strangers, engage them with conversation, the only rule I follow is not going anywhere with them.

What message is this sending my children? Should I not talk to the other moms at the park, just to live by those rules I've given my children? Should I never speak to the checker at the grocery store. Do I not answer my phone when it displays an unknown number?

Obviously I can't refrain from those conversations, but then how do I lead by example? Where is the line here? Honestly I don't know.

I write this because I am sitting an indoor playground, you know one of those places with ten different bounce houses, this particular one has a foam blocks pit for the kids to jump and dive into. K was in the pit and had hurt herself, and asked another mom to find me. The mom, said she'd be happy to call me if K knew my cell phone number, this happens to be the only phone number she does know, since we have 3, and K rattled the numbers off and the mom called me.

Was this a violation of don't talk to strangers or adhering to if you need help find a mommy or a person in uniform? I'm not really sure, mostly I just feel uncomfortable that the mom asked my daughter for my cell phone number. I would much rather she'd asked K my name and called that out into the big open air that is this place.

Perhaps I am being over protective, this mom really was just trying to help, but it seems to me that if we want to teach our children to be cautious of strangers, then this is not the best way to do that. But then I am left with this dilemma... If I make her scared of strangers, will she become withdrawn and never speak to anyone? If I allow her to speak with everyone not worrying about it, will I lose my baby to an enterprising kidnapper? Where is the balance here?

What I learned today: Nothing really, just a lot of questions and that my daughter's philosophy of "There are no strangers, only friends I haven't met yet," scares the crap out of me.

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