Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So I completely suck at this blogging thing, but in my defense, I've been ill. Ok, so not the best excuse but the only one I have at the moment.

With that out of the way, I have to ask an odd question; do people really pay other people to come and scoop poo from their yards? As I drove to work today I was behind a little white pick up that advertised "We scoop your poop." "Business is really piling up" There was a name and number and then "Starting at 9.50 per month."

And all I could think was...have we really gotten to a point in our society where we pay another human being to scoop up the dog poo in our yards? Then I began to wonder about the other things that I did as a child/teenager that I totally pay someone else to do now or would if I had need of it.

For instance, I do not iron...ever...ok on the very rare occaision that the hubby-unit has a big wig meeting, then I'll iron his pants and shirt. I also happen to own two very nice white button down modern-oxford and a black pleated skirt. As a teen I would have ironed these items myself, now I take them to the cleaners to have them pressed.

I also love love fajitas, but I am not a fan of the process of making said yummy-ness so I buy the precooked ones...I often buy the precooked, easily packaged version of a lot of different foods. I am perfectly content to let someone else do the cooking for me.

I am wholly and completely dependent on my computer/phone/mobility devices to give me instant information whenever and where ever I need it, and I am really annoyed when I do not have those things at my finger tips.

I do not neccessarily think this is a bad thing, but it has caused me to think about the way I view my world. I let my mind wander over what it would be like to have a home with only one central family computer and a barely used television and I must say, I shuddered at thought. I let that go and wandered over what it would be like to prepare meals for my family using only fresh ingredients, and while it would certainly make me less of a gluten nazi, it would mean a lot more of my time at the end of a long day in the kitchen. Something I am just not willing to do.

So what did I learn from all of this? While I am dependent on the easy making bits of life, I can and will clean up the dog poo from my yard myself (if I had a dog and a yard...)

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, $9.50 a month is a deal! The companies in the Dallas area charge $20 per month, and they are busy. As an owner of 2 dogs I would have to say that you really have to own a dog, or two, before you can say that you would never pay for this service. For the time it takes and the mess it makes, I would gladly pay $9.50, which incidentally is what it would cost you for just 2 StarBucks coffees, 3.5 gallons of gas, 10 candybars or 2 half gallons of icecream. To me, I would skip those things for poop patrol any day.
