Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Rare and Elusive Things

I posted on Facebook the other day how it would be really cool to get actual snow in Austin. So I did a little research and according to the Austin American Statesman, we have gotten snow a total of six times in the last ten years with the highest amount on Valentines Day 2004 with a whopping 1.6 inches. The rest of the days were barely measurable amounts of .1 and .4 inches.

The most snow ever dumped on Austin was 9.7 inches on November 22 and 23 1937. So, it is safe to say that it just doesn't snow in Austin. Though I did delight in the joy the children of my work place had in the light flurries we had in December. The squeals and giggles that ensued are a heart memory I will always have.

Of course this got me thinking about other things, which invariably happens as my mind wanders...a lot. What other things in life do I experience rarely and yet revel in the joy they bring?

I think the most elusive of the rare is time to myself. Oh sure I spend forty minutes each day commuting to and from work, but I'm not really able to enjoy that time alone as I'm concerned with all the wack-a-doos on the road with me. Though the upside is that when it's not raining or unbearably cold out I get to roll the windows down and blast whatever music I'm in the mood for. Not too long ago, I had Mondays until the children got home from school to myself and I was incredibly spoiled to them. I would clean, sew, read, get pedicures, or watch crappy daytime television. All of those things I would do if I was still a stay at home mom while my kids are in school. Though honestly, I am glad I work, because after a while, I'd be really bored with my own company.

Another rarity in our life these days is time alone with the hubby-unit with out the kids. We don't often get a hankering to go out and do things with out the kids, because we actually enjoy spending time with our kids. Though it would be really cool to go out on a date with my hubby every so often.

Outside of family, rare things abound as well. Like, no traffic on the commute to work. That would be so cool. Or the opportunity to share my faith with a complete stranger. The opportunity to help a fellow human when he/she is expecting none. And my favorite of the rare things...serendipity.

So what can we learn from all of this? When one of the elusive rare things falls in your lap, embrace it, find joy in it and keep the memory in your heart to bring out on rainy days when the world is gray and cloudy and sucks just a little bit.

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