Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tummy Troubles

Disclaimer: The stuff that follows deals with my digestive system and might be a bit TMI for some.

So around about the 8th I got a chest cold, which I still have the cough from, and shortly after that, I started burping, like all day long, it even woke me up at night a couple times. After three days of the constant burping, I called to get an appointment, which they didn't have anything available until today.

Between then and now, I developed a stomach ache that was constant, just a 2 or 3 on the pain scale, but enough that it was bothersome since it was non-stop, and along with the ache, came nausea, fatigue and bloating.

So the tummy doc did the usual ask ninety billion questions, then mashed on my tummy, listened to my heart and breathing, and then prescribed an increase in the medication I already take, a anti-nausea medication, and the removal of soda, tea and dairy from my diet for the next month.

I can only hope it works. I'm tired.

She also ordered blood work, to check liver and endocrine function, hemoglobin, and they're going to do some kind of smear test thing where they put a bit of my plasma in several different trays and a bit of the red blood cells in other trays and then let them hang out in different environments to see if anything grows. I'm kind of worried about those particular tests. They also made me pee in a cup...so not my favorite.

For those interested, a year ago I had a endoscopy in which they repaired an esphogial hernia, and inflated a little balloon thing in the upper portion of my esophogaus in order to make it easier to swallow, and did something with a tiny little ulcer just above the top of where my stomach acid stops, that I've had for like ever. They also did a colonoscopy and removed a polyp. So I'm no stranger to tummy troubles, but I've been free of them for almost a year now and it's annoying for them to be back.

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